Saturday, 15 November 2008

Glenancross Gull

fantastic 16th C. winged being

Oriental crow feast

"les neuf aspects de la décomposition d'un corps"
époque Edo (1603-1868)


Die Raben Traduction : Les corbeaux
Kandinsky Vassily (1866-1944)

L'Arbre aux oiseaux

L'Arbre aux oiseaux

Van Kessel Jan I (1626-1679)

The Fox and the Crow, illustration from 'The Fables of Bidpai'

continuing on a fashion theme.....

Jean-Jacques Manget
Traité De La Peste. 1721.
Protective clothing for a physician treating someone with plague.

perhaps this was the inspiration for Alexander McQueens stag/bridal wear - as displayed on the catwalk by Aggy.....

death on the bagpipes......

again unavain, but you've gotta love the knight's of Malta......

Tombs of the Grand Masters of the Knights of Malta

Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum

The honorific watercolour/ink/inkwash album featured above was produced in 1781 by Le Bailli de Froullay and Fr. Ludovicus d'Almeyda with the Greek notations by a certain Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It is entitled: 'Mausolées des Grans Maîtres de l'Ordre de S. Jean de Jerusalem qui etoitent en Rhodes, tirés des dessins originaux qui existent dans la chancelerie de l'Ordre à Malthe' and is available in html or flash format from La Bibliothèque Méjanes in Aix-en-Provence.

Caricature of Harald Ulrik Sverdrup

Never let it be said that oceanographers don't have a sense of humour. Smoking a penguin?

extra falconry

Konradin von Hohenstaufen

I bought a beautifully illustrated, German King-Penguin book on this ms.from a tiny but amazingly well-stocked second-hand bookshop (or shack) on Skye. The illuminations show the quintessential medieval theme of knights, falconry, courtly love and board games!

OK.. so not entirely bird related but just too good to omit....

'Turnierbuch. Ritterspiele gehalten von Kaiser Friedrich III. und Kaiser Maximilian I. in den Jahren 1489 - 1511 - BSB Cod.icon. 398' is online at MDZ.

(Tournament book. Knight games held by Emperor Frederick III. Emperor Maximilian I and in the years 1489 to 1511)

ms illuminated in 1550's - genius

pope books

'Papstprophetien' manuscript (~1464-1471)
Images come from the German National Museum digital collection

beautiful artist book

'The Owl-phabet of Art'
JoAnna Poehlmann, 1999.