Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 1522-1605? "Grus balearica plinii" and "Grus balearica foemina," in vol. II, lib. XX, Ulyssis Aldrovandi . . . Ornithologi, hoc est de avibus histori, libri XII. 3 vols. Bononi: Ex Camerali Typographia Manolessiana, 1600-1681 (imprint varies; vol. 2, 1645).The Italian scholar Ulisse Aldrovandi was a professor at Bologna, and his three volumes on birds (1599) and his volume on insects (1602) were meant to be the initial installments of a comprehensive work on natural history, compiled from classical and published sources as well as from actual specimens. The illustrations (shown here are two cranes) were prepared by professional artists, not by Aldrovandi himself.
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